Thursday, March 31, 2011

Single review and Video: Katy Perry Ft Kanye west "E.T" #winning

katy perry Et kiss

I must admit I'm out of the loop when it comes to most things Katy Perry. I hadn't even heard of her new song E.T until it was in the entertainment news for not only ending Lady Gaga's 6 week Born this way reign, but also achieving the more impressive feat of being her fourth number 1  from her latest album Teenage Dreams. Still, it wasn't until the video was released today that I actually heard the song, which features Kanye West, and am pleasantly surprised that I quite like it.

The song has Katy Perry ditching the sunny, bubble gum world of the past singles and has her venturing towards a darker feel , with a heavy beat, electronic synths and an almost industrial rock vibe.

The vocals are varied, with Katy talk-singing through much of the verse, belting-some may call it shouting- in the chorus and, as a contrast to the overall harshness of the track,  travelling up into her sweet soft falsetto during the middle 8. Vocals, production, an interesting take on love, and two appearances by Kanye West make this song "#winning" in my opinion!

The video is truly breathtaking. Watch how Katy plays the alien who fell from the heavens to find her love- in the form of albino model Shaun Ross- at the end. Part sci-fi, part steam-punk, part Dr Manhattan's scenes in Watchmen! watch below

Katy perry eyesKaty perry et videoKaty perry red dress Etkaty perry et EyesKaty goat legskaty perry shaun ross

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