Friday, February 11, 2011

Review: Lady Gaga "Born this way" So bad it's terrible!

The hype for Lady Gaga's new single Born this way has been building steadily for months. A hype I readily admit being caught up in, and finally today, after it's release date was pushed a week forward, we got a chance to hear a song that, according to Elton John, would "obliterate 'I Will Survive'". High- having now listened to it- unworthy praise indeed!

Alarm bells should have been heeded about the potential crumminess of the impending Born this way when the childlike lyrics were released a few weeks ago. Nevertheless, being a fan and wanting the song to be as epic as promised, I swept the bad lyrics under the "commendable message" carpet and trusted in Gaga's strength of melody and music to carry the song to the promised greatness.

Depressingly, Born this way doesn't just fail to live up to the hype, which to be honest was never going to happen, but more worryingly for what's to come with the album, it fails to succeed in even being a good song. The production and melody- which was going to be its saving grace- sound mediocre at best but even worse is how it sounds like a gayer- who would have thought possible- rehash of Madonna's classic Express yourself (listen to the similarities here)

Young fans may hear Born this way as something new, fresh and exciting and good for them, it can be their generations poor version of Express yourself. But to an 80's baby- like Gaga herself- this is a weak 1990s B-side of a track that doesn't live up to the hype or the best of the decade she's trying to pay homage to.

Oh Gaga, why have you forsaken me!

Listen to Born this way below

you and I lady gaga

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