Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ke$ha can't sing: Listen to Ke$ha singing without autotune!

kesha cant sing
Popular dirt-bag Ke$ha is often lauded for her inability to sing. Cited as evidence of this fact is her choice to "rap" on her material and, on those rare occasions when a melody is called for, rely on copious amounts of auto-tune to hide and tune her real voice.

Logic would dictate that surely if Ke$ha had half a voice we would have heard it demonstrated at some point on her début album Animal, or even more likely- because these criticism started after that release- on its reissue Cannibal right?

Ok, truth time.. The title and the introduction were a red herring- or an out and out lie depending on how you look at it- to entice Ke$ha haters in. Why? Because they need to hear Ke$ha without the rapping and the autotune (see the song Goodbye below) and then decide whether she actually has any talent or not.

After listening to that it should be clear for all to hear, unless they're just a hater, that Ke$ha not only has the ability to hold a tune but, shock horror, can actually sing quite well!

However in this day and age of razzmatazz and rhinestones, where a good voice isn't enough to succeed- see "the Voice" Mariah Carey's recent sales for example- you can't blame Ke$ha for adapting her style and sound to best accommodate the current musical market.

Besides, Ke$ha's still young and has plenty of time to scrub up and show off her singing abilities when music returns back to being focused more on vocal ability and less about putting on a show. A time that may be fast approaching if Adele's recent sales are anything to go by.

Note: To anyone who doesn't know, I AM A KE$HA FAN.

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