Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bjork - Vocal Profile/ Range

Vocal Type: Robusto Soprano
Vocal Range: 2 Octaves 4 notes and a semitone F#3-D6
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses: Voice is strongest in the midrange and in the lower chest register (up to a D5). Unusually the chest voice retains its power, volume and strength despite its timbre thinning somewhat as it pushes higher. As a whole the voice is a dynamic one that can be oppressive and domineering one moment, and soft and sweet the next.
Vocal Negatives:  The lack of vibrato sometimes makes the higher chest notes sound too sharp and piercing, thus becoming overbearing to hear.

Low notes:F#3

G#3( on the word "and")

Chest notes:C5

E5(Background vocals.)




Head voice:A5



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