Monday, June 13, 2011

Single review: B.Scott "Kiss Kiss"

Just because you're a man, doesn't mean you can't be a Diva. Enter case in point fierce, cross dressing, Youtuber, blogger and all round media darling B.Scott and the video for his new single Kiss Kiss.

Dreamy synths, a heavy, pulsing beat and clever production transform what could have been an all too simple, and dare I say monotonous, backing track into a master class of how less can be more if handled right. Motifs and beat tracks are phased in and out throughout Kiss Kiss to create a sense of narrative and place to the song and this works surprisingly well. 

The overall chilled, sensual vibe of the song is accentuated brilliantly by B.Scott's vocals, in which he adopts a sexy, talk-singing delivery throughout. It's a smart move as opting to restrain his vocals gives the seductive lyrics room to breath and thus be fully heard and appreciated by the listener. It's another example of less equalling more.

The double kisses in the song title, the "Love Muffins" reference in the intro and the racy video, show that B.Scott isn't going to be selling-out, or diluting his personality to sell records any time soon. But make no mistake, other than those flourishes this is a brilliantly catchy song that has universal appeal stamped all over it. I just hope the mainstream wakes up to him and embraces it accordingly.

Rating: 4/5

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