Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Amber Riley - Vocal Profile/ Range

Vocal Type: Light Lyric Soprano
Vocal Range: 2 Octaves 3 notes and a semitone F3-C6
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses: Amber's main vocal strengths comes from her extensive chest register. It has power and great dynamics combined with a light and bright quality. Amber appears to have a good technique, mixing her voice well on the higher notes to avoid undue strain on the vocal chords. This allows her the impressive feat of being able to ascend to a C6 in what sounds like the chest register alone.
Vocal Negatives: Voice lacks agility, so vocal runs can sound clumsy and a little laboured. The voice also struggles with the lower notes and has an immature, childlike colouring to it at times.

Audio Clips:

Low notes:


Chest Register:



Head voice:

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