Saturday, July 16, 2011

Review: Leona Lewis : "Collide" What do you think?

Leona Lewis is back with new single Collide and depressingly, even after a few listens, its not sitting well with me.

With the lukewarm success of her last album, it looks like the team behind Leona have decided to push towards the club sound that is EVERYWHERE to ensure her new endeavour will recapture past glories. So I guess who better to turn to than producer, Sandy Vee, who had a hand in producing the massive hits Only Girl (In the World) by Rihanna and Fireworks by Katy Perry to deliver a hit. 

However, the resulting track is nowhere near the pedigree of those songs and though the melody of the vocal, the lyrical content, and Leona's voice- which they need to lay off the autotune with- are strong, the production is where it all falls down.

The whole track sounds forced together with the vocal and the sample of an Avicci house tune- which sounds suspiciously A LOT like its sampled/ripped off a couple of bars of Penguin Cafe Orchestra's Perpetuum Mobile- being ill at ease with the rest of the music. The tempo- which isn't slow enough to be a ballad or quite fast enough to fit the club- makes the track feel clumsy. whereas the build up is flat and uninteresting, lacking the punch and support that Fireworks and Only Girl provided for their less than stellar vocalists.

Collide, as a whole, feels slap-dash, lazily constructed and ultimately missing the overall polish that a big hit needs. I'm all for Leona Lewis moving away from the ballads and spreading her musical wings, but she needs, and deserves, better material than that provided by Collide.

Other Leona Lewis posts that may interest you:

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