Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lady GaGa - Vocal Profile/ Range

Lady Gaga Paparazzi Metal Pictures, Images and Photos vocal profile range
Vocal Type: Contralto
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Range: 2.5 octaves (D3-B5 approx)
Vocal Pluses: Powerful, passionate voice, with a rock tinge. Expressive voice that does not lean on melisma to impress.
Vocal Negatives: High belting can sound like shouting at times, which would indicate bad technique or singing outside of her range.

There are some higher notes in the video below, but I'm not including them in Gaga's range because I consider exclamations and singing as two totally different things. One requires a degree of skill- singing- and one doesn't- screaming and exclamations. If you want to know how big Gaga's range is if the notes in this video are included then Gaga has a range of 4 octaves 1 note.

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