Monday, October 25, 2010

Single Review: Rihanna - Only Girl (In The World) & lyrics

only girl in the world
Insipid lyrics, a terrible middle eight that harks back to one of Rihanna’s weaker singles, and an uninspired production could have killed Rihanna’s comeback but, boy oh boy is all forgiven when the euphoric chorus of Only Girl hits. The combination of the impassioned vocals with the 1990s rave inspired synths makes for a heady mix, that lifts this song from potential mediocrity to a club banger that is bound to be a world wide hit.

Rhianna’s voice melds perfectly with the song and is sounding better than ever as delivers strong, clear, weighty vocals, and long sustained notes (an a4 and c5) at the close of the song.

Only girl (in the world) builds the hype for her new album Loud brilliantly and puts to rest the fear that she would do a U-turn after the lukewarm reaction to her last album Rated R and go back to tried and tested RnB sound of Good girl gone bad.

OVERALL: Brilliant single, one of the best of 2010; bring on the new album!

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