Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone: Silent Night Diva sing off

Merry Christamas y'all! To celebrate both the Holiday season and the excuse it gives me to listen to Christmas music without looking like a total nutter here is a collection of some of my Favourite Diva's singing the classic carol ,Silent Night.

The styles Range from country- Faith Hills and Taylor Swift- to gospel- Mariah Carey and Aretha Franklin- to pop- Beyonce and Britney Spears-and finally the traditional interpretation-  Celine Dion and Annie Lennox.

So get those song words printed and prepare for some Christmas carolling after the jump! 

Britney Spears: Silent Night

Mariah Carey: Silent Night

Taylor Swift: Silent Night

Beyonce: Silent Night

Annie Lennox: Silent Night

Faith Hill: Silent Night

Aretha Franklin: Silent Night

Celine Dion: Silent Night

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