Saturday, December 11, 2010

Review: Matt Cardel and Rihanna perform Unfaithful (X-Facor Final 2010)

rihanna and matt x factor
Rihanna And Matt perform Unfaithful on the x-factor 2010

RIhanna also performed
whats my name

Rihanna took to the stage this weekend to duet with X-factor finalist Matt Cardle on her song Unfaithful. It was a shaky performance from Matt, and as I feared, he seemed totally uncomfortable with the song choice and the setting. Rihanna on the other hand looked in her element, and despite the terrible hair, managed to stay vocally on point while trying her best to create some chemistry with Matt. Bad Pairing. Nuff said.

Disagree? comment below or by clicking here. I'd Love to read your thoughts.

Watch Rihanna and Matt's performance of Unfaithful below

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