Monday, April 11, 2011

Lady Gaga takes a tumble and "falls this way"

lady gaga fall fail
Lady Gaga takes a tumble from her chair during a performance of You and I at the Monstersball tour in Houston.

In what looks like what could be potentially regular feature of this blog Lady Gaga now joins Mariah Carey [whose fall can be seen here] on the list of stars featured that have taken  a tumble while performing.

Whereas Carey's fall looked more like a moment of sleep apnoea striking while on stage, Gaga's tumble was more full on- and seemingly more painful- and stemmed from the Born this way singers attempt to descend from her piano onto a piano stool that unfortunately gave way.  Fortunately though the singer seemed fine and carried on the performance like a trooper! These Diva's are made of strong stuff!

Watch the fall below

lady gaga fall houston

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