Friday, April 22, 2011

OMG Britney Spears slicker than the remix "Till the world ends" featuring Nicki Minaj and Ke$ha. (Preview)

I can not believe the remix that is heading our way on Monday!! Everyone's favourite multimillionairess tramp Ke$ha- who is also the co-writer of the song- and rapper du jour Nicki Minaj have teamed up with Ms Britney Spears on a Dub-step inspired remix of the already stellar Till the world ends! OMG! Hopefully this is the shot in the arm the song needs to send it rightfully to the top of the charts!

The goosebumps that appeared hearing Ke$ha singing the chorus was totally unexpected and insane! This is a middle-finger and a "we don't give a f$uk" from Team Britney to at all those people that complained  the song sounded too much like a Ke$ha tune!

Full song leaked: listen below!

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