Saturday, April 9, 2011

Q&A: "Who is naturally a better singer, Beyonce or Christina Aguilera?"

christina aguilera and beyonce
This question comes via an email from AmbeRussel [check out his youtube channel here]. If you'd like to ask a question please me email at

"Hey I just found your blog online and I enjoy what you have to say. I was just wondering, since i have been having this debate, who you think has a better voice between Beyonce vs Christina Aguilera?

I personal feel that 1 girl's voice is 10x better but doesn't sing as well while the other female singers with the best tech. But there is very little to her voice. I don't want you to be biased so I've used no names. lol.

Can you help me by giving you 2 cents?"

Wow, that's definitely a difficult question as I like both the singers. But if I'm going on the voice alone I'd have to go for Christina Aguilera as the better singer. For me Beyonce's voice is average in terms of its overall tone, power, and range. However Beyonce has worked hard at her instrument and as such has learnt to lift her voice from mediocrity with 3 most notable things:
  • A gorgeous vibrato: Possibly the best in the industry
  • Outstanding control: Also possibly one of the best in the game. Not only can she hit notes effortlessly and with pinpoint accuracy but she can do it while dancing. 
  • Intelligent delivery: Beyonce can sing anything. She goes from  hip hop, to RnB to pop to adult very convincingly because of her understanding of music and her ability to change her delivery to suit said styling.

Christina's voice is something else entirely. Its raw, unpolished and though it lacks the control and the beautiful vibrato of Beyonces' voice, it has a natural fire and a passion that can not be learnt or faked that makes these weaknesses forgiveable. Sometimes it can be overbearing and, of late, I've been giving it a bashing on the blog because its being pushed too far, but those things still don't change the fact that when its at its best there is no question Christina could sing Beyonce 6 feet under.

Thanks for the question

Note: The very fact that this is a blog means this is just MY opinion. Please feel free to leave yours below, but please be civil and keep it focused on why you agree or disagree. 

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