Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Single Review: Lady Gaga "Edge Of Glory" - Gaga releases yet another poor single.

What is going on with Lady Gaga and the Born this way project? The first single, also entitled Born this Way, was terrible. Judas was a little better. But new single Edge of Glory has her depressingly sliding back towards Born this way territory.

Simply put Edge of Glory isn't single material for an artist like Gaga who likes to distance herself from her piers; it sounds too much like what every other female pop singer at the moment is doing. But its choice as a single and its speedy release, considering the video for Judas was released last week, can be understood in the context of the Judas backlash. It seems damage control is now being implemented and the least offensive, most commercial song on the album has been released in an attempt to bring Gaga back to the mainstream market.

There are good points to be had. Gaga's vocals sound strong on the track, as she switches between, an almost unrecognisable, higher, thinner tone and a heavier, rocky rasp. The melody and the production is suitably nostalgic of the 80's- the era the album is inspired by- and, bar the saxophone and the overproduced feeling that seems to be this era's calling card, is interesting and frequently changed to keep the songs energy going.

At least Edge of Glory is Gaga back to making music that will sink or swim on its own musical merit instead of relying on  gimmicks, like championing a cause or courting controversy as the last two singles did respectively. However, the Baywatch saxophone and the similarities with Kelly Clarksons' My Life would suck without you is just too much for this song to be anywhere near the level of a classic.

Please Gaga, stop saying this project is going to be the "album of the decade" because eveything you've released so far has been generic and throwaway. Your statement is starting to sound worryingly like you're overcompensating for what's looking more and more likely to be a stinker of an album.

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